Star Fish, Inc. is a tax exempt, 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation in Plainfield, NJ 
Your donations are tax deductible as permitted by the IRS Code


We are a group of volunteers from Plainfield and the surrounding area who belong to a tax exempt, 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. We operate three days each week throughout the year, preparing and distributing grocery food orders to an average of thirty to thirty-five families in need each week. Go to our History page for more information.


Our primary function is to maintain the food pantry. Our volunteers pack and deliver grocery food orders to clients who have been referred to us by local social service agencies. Most of these agencies are listed on our Partners page.

Using a referral system helps us better manage our resources. These agencies vet the client to help assure that our limited resources are given to those truly in need. We also prepare special food orders for 160 families at Easter, Thanksgiving, and at Christmas.

The generosity of our donors helps us make these meals special with food that is appropriate for each holiday. Click here to see the lists of food used for families of 1 to 3, 4 to 6, and 7 or more people.


We have opportunities for you to help us help others. Your food donations, financial support, or your talents are welcomed. Visit our Shopping ListHoliday Meals, or our You can help pages to learn more.

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